Special Session accepted for the SFS in Detroit

I am glad to announce that the special section proposed together with Simon Linke (Griffith University, Australia) and Ben Gottesman (Purdue University, USA) and entitled “Ecoacoustics methods for continuous freshwater monitoring” was just accepted at the Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting. If you wish to participate, the submissions are open until January, 26th 2018.


I will be attending the International Bioacoustic Congress in Haridwar, India in october 2017! I will give a presentation on my first postdoc results during “Dynamic Signaling in a Dynamic World” symposium organised by Sue Anne Zollinger and Masayo F. SOMA. I will also have a poster on my PhD work! See you there.

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New position

I have just started a new position at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Rafael Rodriguez’s lab. I will be looking for components of language in insect communication. I will be working here for two years, supported by a fellowship from Fondation Fyssen.
