CNRS researcher

Happy new year! Today is my first day as a CNRS permanent researcher (chargée de recherche) at the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine. I am so excited to finally settle down for a bit and for the new opportunities here in Grenoble. I’m looking forward to welcoming colleagues for exciting new work on ecoacoustics in the Alps or elsewhere !

Maternity leave

I’m pregnant and my maternity leave just started. I’ll be slower than usual at answering emails and working on all the fun projects I wish I had time to tackle.

Acoustic Method Series

Thanks Ben Gottesman and Larissa Sugai for inviting me to the online Acoustic Method Series to present my research on aSDMs, recently published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Great experience and interesting questions afterwards!

ESEB conference

I went to the ESEB conference in Prague. An intense conference of over 1500 participants. I listened to some fantastic speakers. Nathan Bailey and I organized a symposium on the role of plasticity in Evolution. We ended with a 45 minute discussion (and people were still going on after the 45 minutes). Thanks to all the presenters in our session! I also presented my own research on how social plasticity enhances signal and preference divergence in the session “The evolution of behavioural adaptations” organized by Philipp Brand, Mingzi Xu, Richard Merrill.

Full-stack bioacoustics: field kit to AI to action

This is the end of a fantastic five day workshop in Leiden. All day discussing how to use, deploy, and analyse passive acoustic monitoring. I met some wonderful people during the week! It’s always great to put a face on the authors of your favorite publications. It’s also good to be back at an in person event! Thanks to the four great organizers: Dan Stowell, Caitlin Black, Florencia Noriega and Sarab Sethi. I come back to the lab inspired and energized.
